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Hi I'm Liam from BEAR ELECTRICS how may I help?
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Fuse board upgrade
PAT Test

We do all types of electrical services but the most important one of all is a fuse board upgrade. Did you know that upgrading your old 70's fuse board to a new 17th edition fuse board reduces; Risks of Electric shocks, Electrical fires and power consumption.. 

Ever unsure if your house hold electrical appliance, is unsafe?

Our PAT tester will give a 'pass' or 'fail' result. Giving peace of mind that your electrical appliance or extension lead is safe to use.

The tester has its own state of the art technology. The tester performs a sequence of tests; Continuity test to make sure the appliance has a safety Earth connection, Insulation test to check for cable deteriation or faulty wiring, Polarity test to ensure extension leads are wired correctly and finally an Earth leakage test to check that an appliance will not cause nuisance faults. 

LED lighting is our most popular request, cutting down electricity bills by 10x of an average light bulb.

Modern LED downlights make any building look stunning, the light of 1 LED downlight is 4W of power - where as a Incandescent bulb takes up to 10x more power at 40W.

These low profile downlights are cold to the touch, are fire rated and water resistant  within their self contained units. Making them ideal for a majority of places to be installed i.e. Bathroom.

Available in two colour temperatures of 3500K (Warm White) or 5600k(Cool White). And sizes ranging from 75mm, 104mm (recommended), 150mm and 200mm diameter.  .

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